Total: 2 methods

leaseFormInstance: formName app: app withId: id
	"This method is called by Orbeon when:
		* A user click 'Duplicate' in a Form Instance in the Form Runner
		* A user click 'Lease' or 'Reliquish Lease' in a Form Instance in the Form Runner"
	| apiOperation timeoutValue |
	<path: '/crud/{2}/{1}/data/{3}/data.xml'>
relinquishLeaseFormInstance: formName app: app withId: id
	"This method is called by Orbeon when:
		* A user click 'Duplicate' in a Form Instance in the Form Runner
		* A user click 'Lease' or 'Reliquish Lease' in a Form Instance in the Form Runner"
	| apiOperation timeoutValue |
	<path: '/crud/{2}/{1}/data/{3}/data.xml'>

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