Activities error codes

100 - Mixed Start Conditions Outgoing transitions of any artifact can have conditions but there is a restriction. All transitions must have conditions or not. Mixed option is not allowed (some outgoing transitions have conditions but others not).

104 - Activities without Name All activities in a Process must have a name.

106 - Event without Name All events in a Process must have a name.

108 - Activities with the same Name Is not allowed for two different activities to have the same name.

112 - Process without Start All Process must have a Start Event.

116 - Process without End All Process must have at least one End Event.

120 - Isolated Activity Activities with no transitions to other activities are no allowed.

124 - Task Script Error Any Script in the system must be a valid Block with two arguments. If a Script is not a Block then the process can no be imported. [:script :process | doSomething] Check: Blocks

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