Bizagi Extended Attributes

Bizagi allow to add extended attributes to Tasks. There are special attributes thar are used in Bpm Flow.

Extended Attribute [isPreviousFormReusable] By default this value is true. If the BPM Process has a cycle and we are returning a previous task (already done once) then the BpmFlow engine will use the same Orbeon Form/Seaside Component (not a new one). If it is required to have a new task each time we are returning to a task then this has to be set to false.

Extended Attribute [seasideComponent] If it is present the BpmFlow engine will use a SeasideComponent to render the task. And the name of the component is the value of the attribute. If it is absent the BpmFlow engine will use an Orbeon Form to render the task. The form's name is the task's name.

Extended Attribute [previousFields] This option is used when a form need to show a value of a previous form in the process. Previous fields are separated by blank space (name surname id). Adding these fields will make the Bpm Flow to send their values in token interchange. In the host form these fields must be read only.

Extended Attribute [executionTime] Each task can be set with the expected execution time. There are three supported type of expected execution time:

  • In Days

  • In Hours

  • In Minutes

When a task instance is created and it has a expected execution time then a warning will be displayed to the user. Expected Execution Time it takes three arguments from Bizagi field:

  • Type (days, hours, minutes) + Value

  • Warning Threshold

  • Calendar name.

The warning will be show when [Warning Threshold] is reached by counting time from task creation. To count time a [Calendar] is used.

Possible configurations: 5d,70%,Default This will set a In Days (count) with 5 days as value and with a threshold of 70% (a warning will be show after the 70% of time to finish the task is consumed). The calendar named 'Default' will be used to count days.

8h,50%,Default This will set a In Hours (count) with 80 hours as value and with a threshold of 50% (a warning will be show after the 50% of time to finish the task is consumed). The calendar named 'Default' will be used to count hours.

Extended Attribute [assignationPolicy] Each Bpm Process Definition can have an assignation policy to automatically assign tasks to users. The assignation policy can be set in Backoffice application or can be set inside Bizagi®. By default all Bpm Process Definitions have a none assignation policy so users must peek available task to them. To set assigantion policy in Bizagi® create a extended attribute named "assignationPolicy" which can have the following values:

  • BpmNoneAssignationPolicy (default no need to be set)

  • BpmFairAssignationPolicy

  • BpmRoundRobinRoleAssignationPolicy

  • BpmRoundRobinTaskAssignationPolicy

Extended Attribute [reuseExternalObjectOfTaskNamed] Each BPM task has it own Orbeon Form or Business Objects as its externalObject. The problem with this approach is that two different roles can NOT share the same externalObject and in some context this scenario is very desirable. In order to share the same Form between two roles this extended attribute has to be set. When a task has this extended attribute set the execution engine will search for an already created externalObject of the task named reuseExternalObjectOfTaskNamed and will enforce externalObject in this task. In this way two different tasks and users can share the same Orbeon Form or any Business Object.

This feature is very powerful because enable another different way of executing BPM Process. Until now a BPM Process was a collection of different Forms/Business Objects created by different users. Now a BPM Process can be also viewed as a (unique) Form/Business Object going through a path where different users and roles share the very same Form/Business Object.

Extended Attribute [runOnBackground] This extended attribute is only applicable to BPM Scripts. When the value of this attribute is absent o different to [true] then the Scripts is executed online. This is the best option for small and simple Scripts. If the Script is long or very complex this extended attribute should be [true]. At runtime the BPM Execution Engine will detect this flag and the Script will be placed in a special collection to be executed by a separate OS process (this OS process is created by The execution of the Script will have no impact on the Web Server processes.

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