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BPMFlow is an implementation of the Buisness Process Model standards and includes an execution engine for business process automation.
BPMFlow is built on top of the state-of-the-art backend GemStone/S from GemTalkSystems. BPMFlow is an open source project.
BPMFlow is integrated with different technologies such as:
BPM packages for GemStone/S ® implements the BPM standard. The application code can be found at (
BPM models are created using Bizagi Modeler ® and exported as XPDL files. The XPDL files are imported into BPMFlow, and the BPM Meta Model Execution Engine can instantiate and execute the models inside GemStone/S.
The BPM application presents forms for the user to enter or modify data using Orbeon ® or Seaside components. Inside Bizagi Modeler if a task has the extended attribute -seasideComponent- then is a Seaside task if not then is an Orbeon form. The execution engine will show a Seaside component or an Orbeon form depending on the task's definition in the Bizagi Modeler.
Using Orbeon is entirely optional..
GemStone/S Packages
Store Orbeon Form Definitions and Instances
It creates from the XML string an object representation of the Form Definition or Instance .
Query Orbeon Form Definitions and Instances.
Different queries can be applied to Form Definitions and Instances.
Process Orbeon Forms in XML format after being POST by the user.
Orbeon do a POST to a REST services and it is processed and added to GemStone/S object base.
Synchronization between Orbeon MySQL Database and GemStone/S Object Database.
BPM Implementation:
Import XPDL files from Bizagi Modeler.
Others modeler tools can be added using XPDL import.
Each Bizagi element is mapped to an BpmArtifactDefinition subclass.
The Bizagi process creates a BpmProcessDefinition instance representing the process definition inside GemStone/S.
The BPM Execution Engine instantiate and execute instances of BpmProcessDefinition giving life to the process.
Each Bizagi task presents a user interface using either an Orbeon Form or a Seaside Component.
Support for Gateways:
Creation Conditions: [:form | form amount > 15000]
Display Orbeon in a IFrame or in a different page (configurable by user).
Backoffice and Frontoffice web applications.