Gateways Conditions

In this section gateways evaluation conditions will be described in detail.

When a Split Gateway is in a Process path the BPM Execution Engine will evaluate all possibilities. And it will follow a sub set of all possible path (the sub set depends on the gateway type and the condition).

The conditions are defined inside Bizagi Modeler ®.

The condition must be defined as a Block of only one argument. This argument (process)is the BPM Process Instance itself. In the example above one of the conditions is:

[:process | process checkResult = 'rejected']

Block: [:process (argumentName) | (pipe) condition] Where:

  • process - represent the process instance.

  • checkResult - is the name of a process's variable (a field of any forms of the process or a defined variable).

  • 'rejected' - is the value to be used in the comparison.

In this case the variable [checkResult] is a String.

Basic Comparators: "=" - equal "!=" - not equal ">="- greater than "<" - less than ">="- greater than or equal "<=" - less than or equal

Example with all variable types: Number

[:process | process documentId = 123456]

Boolean In this case the field is defined as Boolean.

[:process | process checkPassed]

It is also possible to be defined as:

[:process | process checkPassed = true]


[:process | process checkPassed = 'passed']


[:process | process sunsetDate = (Date fromString: '10/10/2016')]


[:process | process sunsetTime = (Time fromString: '2:50:11 pm')]


[:process | process sunsetDate = (TimeStamp fromString: '10/10/2016 2:15:36 pm')]

The conditions can be combined:

[:process | process sunsetDate = (TimeStamp fromString: '10/10/2016 2:15:36 pm') and:[process checkPassed = 'passed']]
[:process | process sunsetDate = (TimeStamp fromString: '10/10/2016 2:15:36 pm') or:[process checkPassed ~= 'rejected']]

The conditions can compare two Process variables:

[:process | process sunsetDate >= process extendedDate]


The name of the variable should NOT have "-" Hyphen character. If it is so then the evaluation condition must be defined as follow:

[:process | (process perform: 'string-hyphen-variable') = 'passed']

The perform sentence (perform:) must be used with the variable name enclosed with single quotes ('string-hyphen-variable').

Hyphen Minus "_" is accepted as it is:

[:process | process hyphen_minus_variable = 123456]

Using 'name' as a field name in a condition

If a form has a field named 'name' and is used in a gateway condition then the codition must be defined as:

[:proc | (proc getValueOf: 'name') = 'some name']

This rule is mandatory.

List of names in the same situation: andContextApplications applicationName assignedUserNames createdTime creator creatorEvent creatorName creatorTask currentActivities definition endEvents executedActivities executedGateways executedScripts generateProcessMap getActiveArtifacts getApplication getApplicationName getContextApplications getDefinitionName getExecutedArtifacts getFinishedProcessMatrix getProcessesTreeAsCollection getProcessMatrix getRunningArtifacts getTopProcess hasAndContext hasContextApplications hasFinalized hasOrContext hasSubprocesses id inheritContextApplications initialize isInCorruptedState isSubProcess isTopProcess orContextApplications parentProcess postExecution printAndContext printCurrentRols printOrContext printParentName printProcessState printRunningArtifacts processId processName runningGateways startEvent startEventIsAnonymous subprocesses transitions triggerStartEvent userAssignments version

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