Searching Field values in Bpm Processes

Inside aBpmProcessInstance the Form is accessed directly but in a aBpmProcessDefinition a collection with indexes is used so the field type is added between square brakets []. This last exception was implemented because a field can change it's type in a form BUT indexes are used so different types are allocated in different collections. If not it will generate anImproperOperation at GemStone/S level.

Bpm Process Definition

aBpmProcessDefinition getFieldsNamed: 'citizenAge[n]'in: 'new-form'withValue: 25.

aBpmProcessDefinition getFieldsNamed: 'citizenName[n]'in: 'new-form'withValue: 'John'.

Bpm Process Instance

In BpmProcessInstance each BpmTaskInstance is associated with anOrbeonFormInstance.

aBpmProcessInstance getValuesOfProcessField:'citizenName'.

aBpmProcessInstance getValueOfProcessField: 'citizenName'.

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