Process Categories

BPM Process can be grouped into categories by any user. These categories are limited to the user's scope (they are not global). The same process can be in more than one category and in the scope of more than one user. Each user can group categories as required and this not affect other users.

1- Category Name The name of the new or selected category. 2- Category Color The color of the new or selected category. 3- Create new Category Button to create a new category. 4- Category List The list of the current categories. Click on a list item to select a category. When a category is selected can be edited or deleted.

5- Modify Category Select a category then modify it's name or color the click on this button. 6- Remove Category Select a category then click on this button to delete it. 7- Selected category When a category is selected the background color is set to white.

Categories in the Process Browser

To assign a process to a category go to the Process Instances Browser window and perform the steps described in this section.

Assign Process to a Category

To assign process to a category switch to Category Search Panel. 1- Switch to Category Search Panel Click on the black icon to switch from one panel to another and search any category.

2- Select a Process To assign a process to a category the process must be selected. 3- Click on the Category After the process is selected click on the category. If the process already has the (clicked) category then the process will be removed from the category if not it will be added.

Select Processes by Category

To select processes by category no process can be selected in the process list. Otherwise the selected process will be added or removed from (clicked) category 4- Click on the Category to filter The list will display only processes in the (clicked) category. 5- Processes in the selected Category

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