Available Processes

1- Search by Application The available process definitions can be filtered by Application. 2- List of Available Processes The current user can create instance of any Process on this list. 3- Description of selected Process Definition Information about the selected process. 4- New Instance of the selected BPM Process Definition Click here to create a new instance of the selected process. 5- Add an AND Application Context The "AND" context. 6- Add an OR Application Context The "OR" context. 7- List of tasks of selected Process A summary with all task of the selected process.

What is an AND/OR Context

A context is a runtime artifact to extend the permissions of a BPM Process Definition. When a BPM Proces Instance is created an execution context can be defined. This execution context is an additional restriction to the process. And it should be used in conjunction with a "Public Application" where process defined in this "Public Application" can be shared across multiple other applications. See the following diagram of a process running across multiple applications. A Bpm Process Definition belong to "Public Process" application. When a Bpm Process Instance is created a execution context is defined (in red) a collection of others applications. In this case the additional restriction for users is to have a role in "Hardware" or/and "System" applications.

Note: Execution Contexts must added before the process starts.

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